Saturday, December 20, 2008

Finally...A Break

We have been so busy since my last post. Abby went to a cookie decorating party and an ice skating party. She is such a social butterfly. Cooper had his first Christmas party at the daycare yesterday. It wasn't much more than an overload of goodies at snack time, but I couldn't resist going and taking pictures. We all went to Santa's Wonderland with the Johnsons last night and are finally home for a much needed day of rest and housecleaning. We start the Christmas circuit tomorrow with Tim's dad, then Abby and I are off to see The Nutcracker with Grammy on Monday. Abby is so excited as this is the culmination of one of her projects at school. Cooper's last day in the Baby House is Monday - he's graduating to the "Big House" on January 5. We know he's developmentally ready, but I don't think I'm emotionally ready and I'm pretty sure he's not ready to leave Kristie, Kayla, and Melissa.

Abby and Finley decorating their cookies. Abby decorated 11 as compared to the 3 that the other girls each decorated. She is in such a hurry to do everything.

Riley, Abby, and Taylor all ice skating for the first time. It wasn't even ice - some sort of stuff like cutting boards are made of, but they didn't seem to care.

Kayla, Kristie, and Cooper at his Christmas party!

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