Thursday, January 7, 2010

We're Pottying!!

When Cooper went back to "school" on Monday - he went back with NO diapers. He had a couple of accidents on Monday and Tuesday, but none yesterday or today. We'll see if we can keep this up!

I finally realized this whole pottying thing was bothering me a whole lot more than it was bothering him. Everyone kept saying he would do it in his own time, but I wanted it now.

The Christmas and New Year break flew by. We spent the majority of it just being together at home. The kids and I did, however, go to Arkansas with my parents and nephew the week after Christmas. It was a quick trip, but an enjoyable one. I got to see my uncle and both of my aunts, one of whom I haven't seen in three years.

We're now settling in for the cold weather this weekend. But looking forward to watching the game tonight! Stay warm everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew he could do it! Boys will make you crazy like that!