Friday, April 26, 2019

Strong Enough

Only the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ is carrying us through this season. Matthew West’s Strong Enough says 

You must
You must think I'm strong
To give me what I'm going through
Well, forgive me
Forgive me if I'm wrong
But this looks like more than I can do
On my own
I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not strong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
For the both of us

and we know that He is able.  

This week has been emotionally taxing.  We started the week with the regional golf tournament that didn’t end how we wanted, but know she’s got one more season ahead.  It ended with the loss of a sweet friend who was mom to one of Abby’s closest friends.  

So what was in the middle of the week?  Tim and I saw his oncologist on Wednesday to get the results of his latest scan. Once again, it didn’t go how we wanted, but we’ve had a few days to process and are putting all of our efforts in purposeful prayer.  Dr. Nelson used the words “mixed results.”  All of Tim's labs looked good and the tumors in his lungs are stable - some even showed some improvement.  However, the liver tumors and original rectal tumor all increased by significant margins.  Because of this, he will not be continuing this last chemotherapy drug Lonsurf.  What this means is they’ve exhausted all currently approved drugs and traditional therapies.  

This does NOT mean, however, that they’ve exhausted all possibilities for treatment.  His care is being transferred to the Center for Targeted Therapy at MD Anderson downtown to see if he qualifies for any clinical trials. We will have our first consultation Monday.  

Now what? You pray without doubt.  We pray without doubt.  Because James 1:6 tells us But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”

1.  Pray that he qualifies. 
2.  Pray that insurance agrees to cover their part. 
3.  Pray that whatever trial he is on works!
4.  Pray for tolerable side effects.  
5.  Pray for the strength that only the Lord can provide. 

One more request...pray comfort for our sweet friends the Bakers as Janice met Jesus face to face today after a long courageous battle against cancer.  She and her family are an inspiration to us walking this road called "Cancer Sucks"!

Strong Enough


Bobby & Phyllis Kennedy said...

A lot of times, I don't know the words to say, but I know Jesus will ride the waves with you until the storm calms. Praying for the correct medicine to kill that cancer in Tim.

So sorry to hear about your friend, Janice, praying for her family and friends.

I know it means a lot to your little golfer to have a good game. Praying that the Lord will see them through and give them strength.

Much love, and if ever we can do anything, just a message away.
All our love, Bobby and Phyllis Kennedy

Jim & Linda McKenzie said...

Joining you all in lifting up the requests mentioned to our Savior Jesus Christ.

Donna & David said...

We love our Hooks family. Reach out when in need we will be there. Prayers lifted

Cathy Landrum said...

Praying for Tim and your family. We love you!

Jay and Lynn Neathery said...

Praying with you, for you! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Prayers for peace and comfort in your losses, and for Tim's medical crisis team including insurance, Doctors, researchers, family, and friends.