Saturday, May 9, 2009

I can definitely tell that the school year is winding down because our household is CRAZY! I'll blame our schedules for the fact that I haven't posted in a month. Well maybe in a few more weeks, I'll be able to catch up.

Abby has three more softball games left. However, they are all scheduled for 7:15. That usually means we won't get home until 9:00. Both Abby and Cooper are dead on their feet after 8:00. This will definitely free up our evenings some. But, this is the time of year when we (Tim, especially) have a banquet or some "program" every other night of the week.

I'm trying to decide on a science fair project for Abby - if anyone has any ideas, please pass them on. I'm about ready to just forget the whole thing.

One bright spot during this hectic time of year is that I'm going to "teach" scrapbooking during an enrichment period at school starting Monday. My plan is to have each student create a paperbag book to take with them at the end of the week. I suppose my biggest concern is that it's a mixed group of girls and pretty rough boys - not sure how the boys are going to respond, but we're going to make the best of it. If it doesn't work this week, I'll try something else the next.

At least I know the end is in sight - 16 more "school" days.

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