Monday, August 26, 2019

A Punch in the Gut

Tim will not start the trial drug tomorrow as planned.  Our day started with 45 shut down due to a wreck.  After finally arriving at MD Anderson, we spent four hours sitting around just to be told that his white blood cell count is too high to start the trial. It has to be 11 or under and his was 11.2 from the labs drawn on Friday.  So now we wait. They will schedule another round of labs and a new CT scan. Pray that these happen this week and he can start the drug next week.  By the way - his doctor is still in Greece and making all decisions from there.


Shauna said...

So sorry for the disappointing timing. We're praying with you!!! Love you!!!

Melinda said...

So sorry to hear this, praying that a solution will develop for Tim and your family, God Bless...

Rhonda Mauldin said...

I’m so so sorry Larry and Tim. The rest of the family. I was getting so excited to see if this new THING was going to work. Prayers that they are able to do it again, real soon.