Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First Fall Softball Game

Abby had her first game with her new team -- notice they are the Pink Team. This fall league is focused on fundamentals and not competitive at all. It's a nice break from the spring league and all stars. She played second and got two hits. Her team won big. We quit counting at 15 or so. The game didn't start until 7:30 so it was 9:00 before we got home. I'm only uploading two pictures. Will try to post some of Cooper tomorrow. He's having his school pictures made, so I'd like to take a few before we leave in the morning. Who knows, though, how the morning will go. Tim's men's Bible study group is going to do something with the Kids for Christ group tomorrow night, so Abby's excited that her dad might be in her group?? He'll probably just be with boys knowing her luck. We're just praying this week that God keeps us strong, well, and "up" for the busyness this week holds. Maybe we'll get a break to just "be" on Friday and Saturday.

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